About Us
There are still significant gaps with black and ethnic minorities in leadership positions within every field. Their pathways, treatment experienced on their career journey - and in position, continues to differ. We provide resources and services to support and empower inclusive leadership in all fields and organisations.
Book our consultancy and audit services, workshops or focus groups, listen to our podcasts or for the personal touch book one-to-one coaching sessions.
We care, we understand and we will support you in your situation and in reaching your goals.
Oge Austin-Chukwu
Oge is a Medical Doctor with over 25 years experience, a Leadership & Executive Coach, Author, Speaker and Property investor. Founder of Reach Coaching and Co-director of Mok Properties Limited, she has a calling to help develop leaders, particularly women, across all spheres of society.
Passionate for justice and equality, she advocates for ethnic minorities and through her role as Chair of the Board of trustees for Freedom 2, for vulnerable girls at risk of exploitation. She also sits on the board of a local NHS hospital trust.
Oge has written several books including Pearls of Wisdom and Breakout – Finding Significance and Purpose in your Everyday Living and blogs regularly on two platforms.
She is married to Austin, has two young adult children Shona and Daniel, and loves God, property, traveling and fashion – not necessarily in that order!

Lisa Leonce
Lisa is an Executive, Career and Leadership Coach, Host, Speaker, Consultancy and Trainer. Lisa is the founder of efiL Coaching, former radio Producer and Presenter for the show Candid Conversations: Inspiring Legacy, and the author of “Successful Leadership Traits: An A to Z guide”.
Her passion is to support, encourage and empowers people in their various leadership roles worldwide, especially those who are subjected to prejudicial treatment. This is seen throughout the work Lisa does and the voluntary roles she has committed to with the magistracy, police Independent Advisory Group, and Kyria Network.
Lisa is married to Fergus and together have one adult child and two younger children. She enjoys travelling, music, food and drink.

When we listen and celebrate what is both common
and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive,
and better organisation.
Pat Wadors
Our Mission
To develop black and other ethnic minority leaders and see them take their rightful place in every sphere of society.
To highlight and champion these leaders who are achieving great things in their areas of influence.
To support emerging black and ethnic minority leaders in their careers, businesses and leadership pressures.
To help organisations develop, maintain and/or enhance a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion in their workplace.